The Faraday® Challenge comes to Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire Schools
The Faraday® Challenge is a national competition designed to inspire Year 8 students to consider a career in engineering.
As a dedicated delivery partner of the Faraday Challenge, we were excited to bring this flagship initiative of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) to schools across Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire this year.
The Faraday® Challenge, offers Year 8 students an excellent opportunity to explore the fascinating world of engineering, paving the way for possible future aspirational education and career paths.
The challenge, delivered by LEBC’s STEM team, is not only interactive and hands-on, it also fosters teamwork, problem-solving, and communication skills. The workshops are designed to mimic real-world engineering challenges, providing students with a glimpse into potential future careers in engineering fields. As teachers confirmed, “An amazing event allowing students to develop new skills in communication, problem solving and teamwork” and “Challenging tasks, good pace the whole day – presenter engaging and clear instructions at all times. Thank you”.
We were fortunate to have the input of some of our fantastic STEM Ambassadors, who brought their engineering expertise to the school, supporting students of all abilities to get the most out of the experience. These amazing ambassadors played an absolutely crucial role in guiding the students through the challenge, which purposefully takes them out of their comfort zone and aims to apply their knowledge, creatively and innovation in a non-abstract way.
Here at LEBC, we believe that every student should have the opportunity to explore the fascinating world of engineering and STEM more widely, and the Faraday® Challenge is an excellent platform for this exploration. We were inspired by the innovative solutions our young participants developed and feel sure this experience will have had a positive impact on their educational journey in many other intangible dimensions.
Students really enjoyed their experience commenting, “Really enjoyed today and learned so many new things and honestly I was a bit sceptical about this, but I loved it and I really learned a lot”, “I don’t hate teamwork anymore” and “I enjoyed this experience and will most likely pursue a career in engineering”.
As the Challenge draws to a close for this this year, the Faraday® Challenge served as a beacon of inspiration, shaping the future of STEM education in Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire for 13 schools and over 400 Year 8 students. We are grateful for the opportunity to have been a part of this initiative, and we eagerly anticipate the continued growth and success of STEM engagement in our communities as result of Faraday® Teacher’s feedback included “Fabulous day and excellent communication”, “Best experience for our students. I would love this to happen again next year. Our students thoroughly enjoyed the day” and “Excellent STEM Ambassadors, equipment and overall presentation of the day”.
For information on the 2024-2025 Faraday® Challenge please click here.