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What is an engineer?

HORIBA MIRA’s STEM Ambassador, Alisdair Bowie explains.

Alisdair Bowie – Senior Software and Controls Engineer, joined HORIBA MIRA in 2011 after achieving a degree in Mechanical Engineering. Alongside his role in Software and Controls where he primarily develops control software for hybrid and electric vehicles, Alisdair is working to inspire children through his work as a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Ambassador. A STEM Ambassador is a volunteer role that sees Alisdair offering his time and enthusiasm to help bring STEM subjects to life for young people.

Engaging with children in and out of the classroom, Alisdair has played a pivotal role in inspiring the next generation of engineers. Here, he looks to provide students with the answer to the question he is most commonly asked during his school visits: “What is an engineer?”.

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